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What to Write in Report Card Comments: A Guide for K-12 Teachers


As a K-12 teacher, you understand the importance of student report cards. They are not just a summary of grades but a crucial tool for communicating students' progress, strengths, and areas for improvement. Crafting meaningful and constructive report card comments can be a daunting task. It requires a balance between providing positive feedback and addressing areas where the student needs to grow. In this article, we'll explore effective strategies for writing report card comments that can make a difference in your students' academic journey.

Understanding the Role of Report Card Comments

The Purpose of Report Card Comments

Report card comments are an essential component of student report cards. They provide a narrative evaluation of the student's performance, behavior, and overall progress. These comments offer insights that grades alone cannot convey, giving parents a clearer understanding of their child's learning experience.

The Impact of Well-Written Comments

Well-crafted report card comments can motivate students to continue their hard work or address areas that need improvement. They can also strengthen the teacher-parent relationship by providing a clear and concise assessment of the student's progress.

Crafting Effective Report Card Comments

Focus on the Positive

Start with a positive note. Highlight the student's strengths and achievements before addressing areas for improvement. This approach fosters a positive mindset and encourages students to build on their successes.

Be Specific and Constructive

General comments like "Good job" or "Needs improvement" are not very helpful. Instead, provide specific examples of what the student did well and offer constructive suggestions for areas that need attention. For example, "John showed excellent problem-solving skills in math by applying different strategies to complex problems" is more informative than just saying "John is good at math."

Use Encouraging Language

The tone of your comments should be encouraging and supportive. Use language that inspires confidence and a growth mindset. Phrases like "Keep up the good work" or "I believe in your ability to improve" can make a significant difference in how students perceive their abilities.

Addressing Areas for Improvement

When pointing out areas for improvement, do so in a way that encourages growth and learning. Instead of highlighting what the student did wrong, focus on the steps they can take to improve. For example, "To enhance your reading skills, try reading aloud for 15 minutes each day" provides a clear and actionable suggestion.

Keep It Concise

While it's important to be thorough, remember that report card comments should be concise. Aim for a balance between providing enough detail to be informative and keeping it brief enough to be easily understood.

Leveraging Technology: AI Report Card Writer

In today's digital age, technology can be a valuable ally in reducing the workload associated with writing report card comments. AI report card writers, like Make Progress AI, offer a smart solution for teachers. These tools use artificial intelligence to generate personalized and meaningful comments based on student data. By automating this process, teachers can save time and focus more on teaching and less on administrative tasks.

Benefits of Using AI Report Card Writers


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♬ original sound - Make Progress AI

How to Integrate AI Report Card Writers into Your Workflow

  1. Choose a Reliable AI Tool: Look for an AI report card writer that is trusted by educators and offers a user-friendly interface.
  2. Input Student Data: Enter the necessary student information and performance metrics into the tool.
  3. Review and Customize: Once the AI generates comments, review them for accuracy and personalize them further if needed.
  4. Implement Feedback: Use the AI-generated comments as a starting point and add your personal touch to ensure they resonate with each student and their parents.


Writing report card comments is a critical aspect of a teacher's role, and it's essential to approach it with care and thoughtfulness. By focusing on the positive, being specific and constructive, using encouraging language, and leveraging technology like AI report card writers, you can create comments that truly reflect each student's progress and potential. Remember, your words have the power to inspire and motivate your students, so make them count!

By embracing these strategies and tools, K-12 teachers can enhance the effectiveness of their report card comments, making them a more valuable resource for students, parents, and educators alike.