Frequently Asked Questions

What is Make Progress AI?
Make Progress AI is an innovative feedback tool that empowers educators to provide personalized, detailed feedback efficiently for their students. Our AI-driven platform significantly reduces the time spent on report card comments, parent emails, and formative feedback, allowing educators to focus more on teaching.
How does Make Progress AI work?
Our platform uses advanced AI to analyze student work and generate feedback in seconds. It accommodates various types of student work, enhancing the feedback's relevance and personalization for each student's needs.
How secure is student data within Make Progress AI?
Protecting student data is our top priority. We use advanced security measures, including data encryption and strict access controls, to ensure all student information remains secure and private.
Is Make Progress free?
Yes, for a limited time, it is 100% free to use.
What makes Make Progress AI unique from other educational feedback tools?
Unlike broad-feature platforms, Make Progress AI specializes in depth and impact, focusing on providing educators with efficient, AI-powered feedback tools that are deeply integrated into various feedback modes, enhancing both the teaching and learning experience.
Can Make Progress AI handle feedback for students who are English Language Learners (ELL)?
Absolutely. Our ELL mode is specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of English Language Learners, ensuring that feedback is accessible and supportive of their learning process.
What different modes does Make Progress AI offer for feedback?
Make Progress AI offers a range of modes tailored to different types of student work: Picture Mode for analyzing visual assignments, Voice Mode for processing spoken feedback, Form Mode for structured input, and ELL Mode designed specifically for English Language Learners. Each mode is crafted to provide personalized and actionable feedback efficiently.
How does Picture Mode work in Make Progress AI?
Picture Mode allows educators to upload images of student work, such as handwritten assignments. Our AI then analyzes these images and provides comprehensive feedback on content, clarity, and other essential criteria, assisting educators in giving detailed responses to students’ visual work.
How does Make Progress AI assist with creating report card comments?
Make Progress AI streamlines the creation of report card comments through its advanced AI algorithms. Educators can input key achievements and areas for improvement, and our AI will craft personalized, thoughtful comments that align with each student’s performance, saving hours of manual work.
What type of formative feedback can I provide using Make Progress AI?
Our platform enables educators to offer detailed formative feedback that focuses on student progress and specific areas for development. With the input of student work and educational goals, Make Progress AI generates constructive feedback that guides students on their learning journey and encourages continuous improvement.
Can Make Progress AI help in communicating with parents about their child’s progress?
Yes, Make Progress AI includes features that simplify the process of writing parent emails. The platform can suggest content for emails based on student performance data, helping teachers convey progress reports, commendations, and recommendations for at-home support in a clear and professional manner.
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