🎉 Enjoy all our premium features for free—available to teachers for a limited time! 🎉
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Cheaper than your comment bank from TPT

Select from any of our plans

Whether you’re an individual teacher or a school district, we're here to save you time and enhance the quality of your student feedback.

Basic plan

For teachers looking to try out our report card comment time saver.

Features: Generate personalized comments with ease and streamline your workflow.

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Enterprise plan

For schools and districts seeking a transformative feedback tool.

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Select from any of our plans

Whether you're an individual teacher or representing a school board, we've got you covered.

Basic plan

For teachers looking to try out our report card comment time saver.

Features: Generate personalized comments with ease and streamline your workflow.

Get started
District plan

For schools and districts seeking transformative feedback tools.

Contact us

Teachers From 300+ School Boards Choose Us.

Join educators across North America creating unique and instant comments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it free for teachers for a limited time?

We’re keeping it free because we want as much feedback as possible from teachers to ensure our platform meets your needs and continues to improve.

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How secure is Make Progress AI?

Yes, we prioritize your data security and privacy. With top-end encryption, regular security checks, and strict FERPA, COPPA, and PIPEDA compliance, your data is safe. We also never use your input to train our AI models.

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