What is Picture Mode?

Picture Mode that allows teachers to provide personalized feedback to students by analyzing photos of their coursework, offering detailed critiques beyond just right or wrong to foster a growth mindset.
a photo of an iphone

How does picture mode work?

Simply take a snapshot using your mobile device. Our AI then analyzes the image, focusing on handwriting, diagrams, or any visual elements, to generate comprehensive feedback in seconds.
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So many different ways to use Picture mode

Enhance Learning with Picture Mode

Parent emails

Share AI-crafted updates with parents, providing snapshots of their child's progress.

Report Card Comments

Instantly turn assignment photos into personalized report card comments.

Coursework Feedback

Convert images of student work into concise, targeted feedback that speaks directly to the learner's needs.
AI for teachers

Why use picture mode?

It saves educators significant time, allowing them to focus more on teaching and less on administrative tasks. Moreover, it provides students with clear, actionable feedback based on their individual work, fostering a personalized learning experience that encourages growth and improvement. It also includes top level privacy and security measures.

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Make Progress AI uses the magic of generative AI to help teachers. See the power of artificial intelligence in education.
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