What is
Form Mode?

Form Mode is the feature of Make Progress AI designed for educators who prefer typing over speaking. It ensures secure, efficient generation of personalized written feedback, crucial for fostering student growth and saving precious time.

How does form
mode work?

Quick and secure, Form Mode streamlines feedback by letting educators type insights into a simple form, which Make Progress AI instantly turns into personalized, detailed comments ready to enhance student learning and save valuable time.
Photo of make progress ai. Classroom ai.
Best AI Tool for Teachers

Form Mode in Action

Explore the different ways to Enhance Learning with
Form Mode.

Parent emails

Create detailed emails effortlessly.

Report Card Comments

Quickly generate personalized feedback for your report card comments.

Coursework Feedback

Offer specific, constructive feedback by simply filling out the form.

Make Progress AI is one of the best teaching resources
for teachers.

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