Teacher Spotlight #2: A Community’s Love, A Classroom Transformed

This week, we’re thrilled to introduce an inspiring educator (@teacher4fun42 on Instagram) whose teaching journey highlights the power of connection, resilience, and innovation. From a heartfelt show of support that saved her job to transforming her classroom with empathy, technology, and creativity, her story is a reminder of the profound impact great teachers have. 🌟
Let’s dive into her experiences, insights, and what her dream classroom would look like with unlimited resources!

Could you share a memorable classroom moment that reinforced why you chose this profession?
When I was in jeopardy of losing my teaching position due to budget cuts, all the parents in the small school where I worked rallied together to keep me and get me my position back. The love and support I felt made me realize that I had made a difference and a positive impact on the students and families of my community. I continued working at that school for about 15 years. Feeling appreciated and respected goes such a long way in the education field.

What innovative teaching strategies or tools have transformed your classroom experience?
What has transformed my classroom over the years, or since I began teaching to now, has been my classroom management. I have learned to hold my students to high standards but to also treat them all with compassion and empathy. Being a mother who has put a child through the school system has also given me a great perspective on being a parent as well as a teacher. It is quite different being on both sides of the table at parent conferences. I integrate a lot of technology into my classroom. I use daily slides for my agenda to provide visuals for students and myself as well as links to lessons for quick and easy transitions. I believe in giving students brain breaks and movement throughout their day. These can be simple games such as “Four Corners” to coloring, quiet time, and digital movement breaks on the screen.
(We'd love to hear about both digital and non-digital approaches)
My favorite thing I have incorporated into our routine this year is “take 5.” At the end of each lesson or class period, students get a “take 5” where they can take a five minute break to use Legos, draw, exercise, play a game, etc. This gives them an incentive to finish the lesson with minimal interruptions, and finish their work. It also allows me some transition time between blocks since I am in a self-contained fourth grade classroom.

If you could design your dream classroom with unlimited resources, what would it look like and why?
This is a tough one! I love calming colors and decor. I feel like I have already made my dream classroom as I love the way I have developed my teaching style and classroom management into a safe environment conducive to learning. I would love to have classrooms designed with safer windows and doors. I would also love to have a mini library in my classroom (larger than I have now, with new books each month. I would love more optional seating opportunities. I love the idea of counter height tables and stools (cafe style). I also like floor seating and flexible chairs that rock and bend. I would like to have door access to outside with outdoor seating and an outdoor classroom learning environment attached to my classroom! Snacks and a water bottle station in the classroom would be great. I would also like to have unlimited resources for all the amazing technology available to educators. Unlimited supplies of markers, crayons, pencils, etc would be a dream come true!

What's the most valuable piece of advice you'd share with new teachers starting their careers?
I would advise new teachers to give themselves grace. Allow yourself time to learn, make mistakes, and grow. Teaching efficacy comes with experience. And no matter how long I have taught, it presents new challenges every year. With new groups of kids comes new challenges and I am constantly adapting and developing new strategies as needed. It is so important that you build positive relationships with your students while also having high expectations.
From the power of community support to creative classroom transformations, this educator’s journey is very inspiring. Want to see more of her favorite teaching tools and classroom essentials? Check out her curated Amazon finds
Don’t forget to follow her on instagram as well for more insights, tips, and teaching inspiration! 📚