3,000+ teachers across North America use our tool

Everything you need
to make personalized instant comments.

Start with your existing templates

Don't reinvent the wheel. Bring in your trusted templates and let our AI personalize them for each student. No need to start from scratch. It's your work—just made easier.

Batch your students while keeping it personalized

Generate individualized comments for all your students quickly and easily, saving hours while keeping comments unique.

Implement your State or Provincial curriculum

Integrate your curriculum easily—copy and paste if you prefer. It's totally up to you. Spend less time on setup and more on teaching.

"@makeprogressai the ultimate student feedback platform! Say goodbye to endless hours crafting report cards."
@miss.educate.ed, 73k followers
Education technology leader (Texas, USA)

Securely create personalized comments for your diverse classrooms.

Teacher save 62% of their time when creating report card comments using Make Progress AI. Auto-batch your students while keep everything personalized.
  • FERPA Compliant
  • PIPEDA Compliant
  • COPA Compliant

Keep track of your students' progress

Keep track of your students' progress. Regularly add notes and feedback about your students throughout the year, and auto-generate feedback based on it.
100% free for teachers


See our Partnerships, Case Studies, and Awards.

Government of Canada

Make Progress AI was one of only seven Edtech companies selected to participate in the prestigious Edtech Accelerator program in partnership with the Government of Canada.

University of Toronto / CDL

Make Progress AI graduated from the University of Toronto's Creative Destruction Lab program where we were mentored by a diverse group of senior members from companies like Meta, Lyft, PhDs in Nanotechnology, and many others.

Willowbrae Academy

Make Progress AI ran a case study with Willowbrae Academy and observed a 62% increase in speed for creating progress reports, along with improvements in grammar and tone.

Edtech Startup of the Year Award

Awarded one of the 2024 EdTech Startup of the Year Awards from MindShare Learning, a leading Canadian consulting and media company in the EdTech sector dedicated to advancing innovation and educational success.

Explore our other feedback tools

Formative Feedback

Zoom in on student progress. Effortlessly capture and provide feedback. Document observations, track growth, and offer timely insights—all in one place.


Personalized plans made practical.
Easily create and manage Individualized Education Programs. Customize objectives, monitor progress, and meet each student's unique needs without extra work.

Parent Emails

Stay connected with ease.
Keep parents informed with personalized emails. Share updates and strengthen the home-school connection effortlessly.

Designed with Teachers for Teachers

We have a team of pedagogical experts guiding our product decisions so it is easy for you to use.
@makeprogressai is a tool specifically created as an AI tool for teachers. It is user friendly and even has a student list feature to keep each kid's feedback organized."
@coffeeandclassroom (Alex)
3.5k followers, Teacher and influencer
(Toronto, Canada)